Working With Studio 397 rF2

Studio 397 have made some great improvements to rF2 particularly by adding DX11 rendering. A number of new  & updated shaders to take advantage of DX11 features have been included, and as a result 3DSimED has been extended to support these enhancements.

3DSimED 3.1m includes the new shaders from rF2 v1109 in the Select DirectX Shader window. This allows materials to be assigned these shaders and saved when exported to one of the .GMT format 3DSimED supports. If the game does not include the material shader then it will just use a default shader (which appears to be the simple diffuse texture map).

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One of the filters for the shaders in the Select window is ‘rF2 DX11’ which are for shaders included in rF2 DX11 but not in the DX9 version. 3DSimED can include these shaders in the models, and can export them in the .GMT materials, but cannot render them correctly because of the DX11 features used, so it just renders them with a simple diffuse texture.

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3DSiimED now includes 3 ‘Decal’ shaders included to make it easier to work with some models from other games. The Download Page includes a .zip of files required to ensure rF2 can understand and render these shaders, just ensure these are placed in the same folder as the CoreShaders.mas.

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