All posts by Dave Noonan

3DSimED 3.1g Released

3DSimED 3.1g is released.

This is a maintenance release including a few enhancements.

FBX Export & Import now support  multiple UV texture coordinate channels.

The Edit->Object By Name function selects the previously selected Object.

Support has been added for DirectX 10 format DDS, and for Forza .Swatchbin .

There are fixes for GPL Import & Export and N2003 PTF Import.

For a full list of the new features and fixes in 3.1g please see 3DSimED 3.1g release notes.

Visit the download page for new version.



3DSimED 3.1g

Enhanced: Edit->Object By Name how highlights the previously edited object instance.

Enhanced: Support for more DDS formats including DirectX 10 formats used in F1-2016.

Enhanced: RearView section now written to rFactor scene files.

Enhanced: FBX Export/Import includes multiple UV channel texture coordinates.

Enhanced: Home Menu now included Edit->All Visible and Edit->Object By Name

Fixed: The saving of pivot points with rF2 has reverted to that of version 3.1e and earlier . So, if you are exporting just a model then the pivot is always saved. When objects are exported then the pivot will be included only if the object is tagged as Moveable or Billboard.

Fixed: Texture coordinates for exported GPL models.

Fixed: Materials not set when importing GPL models.

Fixed: For a very few tracks, Nascar 2003 .PTF Importing and Updating could result in a corrupt PTF.

Fixed: ShadowGroups attribute now correctly spelt when written to rF2 scenes.

Fixed: Edit->Translate dialog showing incorrect values if the  Axis Layout is the not the default.

Fixed: Some XTX textures were read incorrectly.

To get the latest version go to the download page.

F1-2016 Import Plugin Update

An update to the F1-2016 Plugin is available.

Enhanced:  The alignment of car objects has been corrected.

Enhanced:  Cars and tracks both use high resolution texture map mipmaps if available.

Enhanced:  The import of tracks now includes the sponsor layers

If you have previously downloaded 3.1f then just download the .zip of the plugin. The download page.



3DSimED 3.1f Released

The latest version of 3DSimED includes support for importing cars and tracks from F1-2016.

For those creating rF2 tracks there is also now support for the Decal object tag.

Assetto Corsa support is enhanced with the ability to set object transparency.

Multi-map materials for F1-2002 can now be imported and saved


For a full list of the new features and fixes in 3.1f please see 3DSimED 3.1f release notes.

For more details and to download a free 20 day trial please visit





3DSimED 3.1f

New:  Import Plugin for F1-2016 cars and tracks. The plugin works with ERP files found in WEP sub-folders of cars or tracks.

New:  Decal attribute added to Object Instance Edit pane for rF2 .GMT export allowing objects to be placed on top of other objects.

New:  Transparency attribute added to Object Instance Edit pane for Assetto Corsa .KN5 allowing the transparency of a mesh to be overridden. In earlier versions the mesh transparency was always set from the transparency of the mesh material.

New:  F1 2002 .MTS import and export now includes support for multi-map materials.

Enhanced: Export to rF2 now always saves the pivot point.

Enhanced: The texture browser dialog gives more details for DDS files and previews more DDS formats.

Fixed: MR button on the Pivot Point dialog would give incorrect xyz.

To get the latest version go to the download page.

Importing F1-2016 Cars and Tracks

Version 3.1f of 3DSimED includes a plugin to import cars and tracks from F1-2016, below is a short guide to importing.

  • Locate the F1-2016 folder which should be a sub-folder of your Steam installation, for example:
    "S:\steam\SteamApps\common\F1 2016“.
  • Tracks will be found in the asset_groups\environment_package\tracks folder and then within the chosen track folder find the wep folder. Select the track.erp or track_2016.erp  file in the wep folder.
  • The car folder will be a sub-folder of asset_groups\f1_2016_vehicle_package\teams.  As with tracks, the sub-folder required for opening a car is the wep folder which should contain one erp file.
  • The 3DSimED3 plugin will import from ERP archives which are packed files which need to be decompressed. For this reason importing from tracks may require some patience even on a powerful system.
  • If importing tracks a 64-bit operating system is very useful because 3DSimED will then have 4GB of memory to use by itself whereas on a 32-bit system the 4GB has to be shared with other applications, services etc.
  • Textures are written to temporary sub-folder of the 3DSimED3 folder, if 3DSimED3 crashes you should find and clear these temporary folders.

3DSimED 3.1e

Version 3.1e has just a few fixes but one is important to a number of users which explains the release.

Fixed: Mouse wheel use in the edit boxes of grid controls on the edit panes, there should no longer be a loss of focus. It should also now be possible to use the up and down arrows to change values.

Fixed: FBX Import could fail if there were a number of objects in a model.

Fixed: The Fresnel reflection intensity was capped at 5.0 it should now be possible to enter values up to 100.

Fixed: The Import as Objects function was missing the recent folder button.

Fixed: The zoom multiplier has been restored as the zoom multiplier in 3.1d was too slow for some users.

To get the latest version go to the download page.


3DSimED 3.1d Released

The new version of 3DSimED is available.

Support is now included for Rieza Studio’s Automobilista with a full set of Rieza shaders as well as SPRL shaders allowing models to be created taking full advantage of Automobilista’s rendering capabilities.

With the addition of the third party tool, rFactorDec.exe, 3DSimED can now call this tool to export Automobilista .GMT with the required encryption.

For those editing Assetto Corsa cars there is a pixel shader to render the main car shader, ksPerPixelMultiMap_damage_dirt, so skins will correctly visualised.

A new Toolkit function, Texture Replace From Folder, makes it much easier to replace liveries and find missing textures.

A re-worked Shader Select Dialog allows game filters to be set which should assist users to correctly target games such as rFactor 1 & 2, Automobilista, and Assetto Corsa.

For a full list of the new features and fixes in 3.1d please see 3DSimED 3.1d release notes.

For more details and to download a free 20 day trial please visit

21-07-2016 10-57-22
Automobilista Formula Retro model showing the car shaders.
20-07-2016 12-10-36
Assetto Corsa Lotus 72D with Gold Leaf livery.

3DSimED 3.1d

New:  Automobilista support added. Car and track shaders from Automobilista are included as are new functions to export .gmt with the correct encryption (requires rfactordec.exe).

New:  Texture Replace from Folder adds two new functions helping with quickly adding textures from a folder.
Replace Missing and Loaded Textures searches a folder for textures to replace those already loaded and those which are missing. Replace Only Missing Textures searches a folder for those textures that are presently missing from a drawing.

New:  Export Plugin Export as Objects saves objects to disk as individual models.

New:  Shader for Assetto Corsa to show car liveries.

New:  Import Plugin for F1-2015 to allow individual objects (*.render.erp) to be imported.

Enhanced: Shader selection dialog now includes a game filter.

Enhanced: FBX Export Plugin includes option to store vertex information by control point which can considerably reduce the size of the FBX.

Enhanced: Vertex and Pixel Shaders are compiled when required, this reduces start-up times particularly if there are many custom shaders.

Enhanced: The pivot points are always written when saving an rF1 or rF2 model. When saving objects the moveable or billboard attributes need to be set to true for the pivot point to be saved.

Enhanced:  F1 MTS objects always use pivot points and handling of transparency has been improved.

Enhanced:  Texture browser dialog has a new ‘Show Alpha=0 as magenta’ checkbox which allows the rgb of a transparent texture to be shown if unticked.

Enhanced:  Texture browser dialog has a new ‘Recent Folder’ button.

Enhanced:  The Tag Attributes for objects now include Day/Night and VisGroups.

Enhanced:  The Tools->Missing Textures and Objects now lists missing shaders (these are the shaders missing this session for all drawings opened).

Enhanced:  The handling of ‘wildcard’ materials for rFactor vehicles and GTR2/Race cars is improved.

Fixed: Decompressing a PSSG could fail because too much memory was reserved.

Fixed: F1-2015 DDS texures had an incorrect number of mipmaps set in the header which caused problems in some image editors.