3DSimED 3.1g

Enhanced: Edit->Object By Name how highlights the previously edited object instance.

Enhanced: Support for more DDS formats including DirectX 10 formats used in F1-2016.

Enhanced: RearView section now written to rFactor scene files.

Enhanced: FBX Export/Import includes multiple UV channel texture coordinates.

Enhanced: Home Menu now included Edit->All Visible and Edit->Object By Name

Fixed: The saving of pivot points with rF2 has reverted to that of version 3.1e and earlier . So, if you are exporting just a model then the pivot is always saved. When objects are exported then the pivot will be included only if the object is tagged as Moveable or Billboard.

Fixed: Texture coordinates for exported GPL models.

Fixed: Materials not set when importing GPL models.

Fixed: For a very few tracks, Nascar 2003 .PTF Importing and Updating could result in a corrupt PTF.

Fixed: ShadowGroups attribute now correctly spelt when written to rF2 scenes.

Fixed: Edit->Translate dialog showing incorrect values if the  Axis Layout is the not the default.

Fixed: Some XTX textures were read incorrectly.

To get the latest version go to the download page.